Dance Class Etiquette: Do’s and Don’ts

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Whether you’re stepping into your first ballet class or are an experienced dancer and know what is required, understanding the unspoken rules of dance class etiquette is crucial.

Dance class etiquette is essential for creating a respectful and productive learning environment for both students and teachers alike.

Ballet is centred around discipline and poise, and understanding and practising proper etiquette helps ensure that everyone can focus and make the most out of their training.

This creates an effective space to learn, grow and enjoy ballet class.

You can certainly have fun, but maintaining respect and awareness is crucial.

In this blog post, I’ll cover the key aspects of dance class etiquette, from arrival to departure, and everything in between.


When arriving at a dance class, be considerate and respectful of your fellow dancers and the studio environment.


  • Arrive on Time: Aim to arrive early to class to ensure you have enough time to check in and warm up properly.
  • Warm Up Quietly: Use headphones if needed and warm up efficiently without disturbing others. Always try to be mindful of your space.
  • Put Your Phone on Silent: Set your phone to silent or turn it off to prevent interruptions during class (a ringing phone can be distracting and embarrassing).
  • Use Your Headphones: If you like to listen to music while warming up, use headphones to avoid disrupting other dancers.


  • Don’t Clutter the Space: Avoid spreading your belongings all over the studio. Remember, it’s not your bedroom and you’re not alone!
  • Don’t Apply Body Lotion or Moisturiser: Avoid using body lotion or moisturiser before class. These products can make the floor extremely slippery and create a dangerous environment for dancing.
three dancers warming up before dance class


Wearing appropriate attire for your dance class is crucial for ensuring personal comfort and allowing you to move with freedom.


  • Wear Appropriate Attire: Choose clothing that is suitable for your style of dance class. This includes leotards, tights, and appropriate dance shoes.
  • Ensure a Good Fit: Your clothing should fit well. It should allow freedom of movement without being too loose or overly restrictive.
  • Keep It Clean: Ensure your dancewear is clean and in good condition for both hygiene and professionalism (if your tights are full of holes it’s probably time to say goodbye or try a DIY top transformation).
  • Secure Your Hair: Style your hair neatly and securely to keep it out of your face. This will help with concentration and avoid things falling out on the dance floor.
  • Layer Wisely: If you need warm up attire for the start of class, choose layers that can be easily removed and put in your dance bag (you don’t need your entire wardrobe!).


  • Don’t Wear Baggy Clothing: Avoid wearing baggy clothing that doesn’t allow your teacher to see and correct your technique, lines and posture.
  • Don’t Overdo Jewellery Or Accessories: Keep jewellery simple and secure. Nobody wants dangly earrings flying away during pirouettes!
  • Don’t Neglect Personal Hygiene: Avoid coming to class in dirty or unkempt attire, as it reflects poorly on yourself and shows a lack of respect for your classmates.
Neat dance class attire


There’s nothing more discouraging than attending a class and seeing dancers who are unmotivated or visibly disengaged.

Always put forth your best effort, and you’ll likely see both results and progress.


  • Give Your Best Effort: Always strive to give your best, even when it’s hard. Consistency is key!
  • Practice with Focus: Approach each step and combination with concentrated effort and attention.
  • Learn by Watching: Observe your teacher and fellow dancers for guidance, motivation, and inspiration to enhance your technique and artistry.
  • Support Fellow Dancers: Encourage and assist others, especially when motivation wanes. Trust me, collaboration can be crucial in overcoming challenges in this demanding art form.


  • Don’t Show Up If You’re Not Ready to Learn: Attitude is everything. Whether you’re feeling unmotivated or disinterested, your mindset can significantly impact your class and practice.
  • Don’t Get Distracted by What Others Can Do: Every dancer is different and learns at their own pace. Instead of letting this affect your motivation, use it as inspiration to push yourself further.
  • Don’t Distract Others: Save the catching up and chit-chat for after class.


The studio is a space for you to practise and develop as a dancer, so be sure to keep it clean and tidy.


  • Keep the Studio Clean: Maintain a tidy and organised studio environment.
  • Treat Studio Equipment with Care: Handle all equipment gently and respectfully.
  • Secure Your Water Bottle: Keep your water bottle closed and in a designated spot to avoid any unwanted leakage or slips.


  • Lean on Barres or Mirrors: Refrain from resting or leaning on studio equipment.
  • Don’t Eat in Class: Refrain from consuming food during class. Instead, try eating a snack before or after class if you get the munchies.
  • Don’t Leave Belongings on the Floor: Avoid leaving your items scattered around the studio and keep everything organised in your dance bag.
Dance class etiquette - respecting the studio space



  • Address Instructors Respectfully: Use proper titles and show courtesy towards your teacher.
  • Listen Attentively: Pay close attention to your teacher’s instructions, sequences, guidance, and corrections.
  • Follow Instructions: It’s normal to feel confused at times, but staying focused on their instructions will help you avoid wasting time and allow more opportunity for dancing.
  • Appreciate Feedback: Welcome feedback and corrections with gratitude and openness. This shows your appreciation and commitment to learn and grow as a dancer.
  • Be Supportive: Offer encouragement and be friendly to your classmates. The industry is competitive enough without added competition in a dance class environment.


  • Don’t Disrespect Instructors: Avoid using informal language or disregarding their authority
  • Don’t Dismiss Corrections: Refrain from ignoring or reacting negatively to feedback. Remember, it’s not personal. The dance teacher is there to help you improve.
  • Don’t Compete Negatively: Avoid creating an atmosphere of rivalry or negativity among peers.
  • Don’t Interrupt: Refrain from interrupting the instructor or your classmates during explanations or corrections. Wait until they have finished, and if you have questions, ask them afterwards.
Dance teacher with a student showing the right dance class etiquette


Learning to address your mistakes positively and applying corrections can significantly benefit your growth as a dancer and aid your future development within the profession.

  • Accept Corrections Graciously: Embrace feedback with a positive attitude.
  • Learn from Mistakes: Apply feedback to improve and grow.
  • Have a Positive Attitude: Maintain an attitude focused on growth and improvement. We all have bad days, but with the right mindset, things will get better.


  • Don’t Dwell on Mistakes: Refrain from fixating on errors or letting them hinder your progress. Take a page from Frozen and ‘Let it Go’.
  • Don’t Engage in Negative Self-Talk: Avoid putting yourself down and letting your frustration affect your class.
Dance teacher correcting a student's technique


There’s no need to rush out of class, especially if you plan to practise further afterward.

However, always be mindful of the studio schedule, as there may be other dancers waiting to warm up or begin their class.

Like you, they deserve the same opportunities and respect.


  • Thank the Instructor: It’s always nice to express gratitude for the guidance and lesson they’ve given.
  • Gather Your Belongings Promptly: Collect your items and exit the studio quickly, especially if another group is waiting to start.
  • Reflect and Set Goals: Take time to consider what you’ve learned and establish goals to focus on for your next classes.


  • Don’t Leave a Mess: Avoid leaving your belongings scattered around the studio or delaying your departure.
  • Don’t Be Noisy: Maintain a respectful demeanour and avoid making unnecessary noise after your class has ended.


Practising good dance class etiquette ensures a positive and productive environment for everyone involved.

It’s crucial to show respect for yourself and others to ensure that everyone can maximise their dance class experience.

By adhering to these guidelines, you’ll enhance your own learning while also contributing to a supportive and respectful dance community.

Remember, the dance studio is a shared space where everyone deserves to feel valued and encouraged.

So, the next time you’re preparing for class, remember to bring your best dance class manners and follow these tips for the most effective dance class etiquette.

This will ensure you demonstrate the proper behaviour and respect for the demanding discipline that is ballet.

Dancers during a dance class

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